Elladin is made exclusively from the produce of our joint family olive grove. It retains the flavour, aroma and characteristics that spring from the soil of this area. Ideal production and storage conditions, in conjunction with constant inspection of the fruit as it moves from tree to processing and on to bottling, ensure that all its beneficial properties remain intact, presenting the consumer with a product of high nutritional value.
The olive grove is cultivated in accordance with traditional methods. For tens of years we have adhered to the traditional methods of harvesting the fruit and extracting the oil that our grandparents and great-grandparents taught us. This knowledge, handed down from one generation to the next, ensures a good yield and exceptional quality oil every year.
To us, as in the old days, the olive harvest is a festival that brings family and friends together. Harvesting olives is a sacred act, overflowing with tradition; an act whose roots are lost in time immemorial. It is also painstaking, as every olive is handpicked. But this labour of love rewards us with exceptional results.
When the trees are laden with fruit, the olives are gently picked from them by hand, as they always have been, so as not to bruise them. Then they are taken to an accredited local olive press, where they are cold-pressed to release their precious essence. At no point in the whole process does the temperature exceed 27o Celsius, thereby leaving the aroma of our olive oil unharmed. The extraction of the oil takes place within 24 hours of the fruit being harvested. This gives the low acidity that is a characteristic feature of extra virgin olive oil. The oil is stored in a cool dark place where the temperature never exceeds 17o Celsius.
Our olive oil is sold in elegant glass bottles of 250ml, 500ml & 750ml. Quantities are limited.