Bottle 750l

Bottle 750l


Omotrives extra virgin olive oil is Greek culture and tradition at its best. It is produced exclusively from the fruit of olive groves on our family estate in Corinthia, so quantities are restricted.

Omotrives extra virgin olive oil is extracted by natural sedimentation, with no mechanical or chemical filtration. It is made from Koroneika and Patrinia olives; widely regarded as the best oil-producing varieties.

The oil is extracted within twenty-four hours of the olives being picked. At no point during the whole process of cold extraction does the temperature exceed 27ο Celsius.

A wonderful shade of golden green, the oil is noted for its mature, light, fruity flavour and is recommended for use fresh, as salad dressing, for roasting meat, fish and on fresh bread.

The collective wisdom and experience of older generations, modern methods of cultivation, plus the ideal terrain and climate of the region, all combine to make Omotrives an exceptional olive oil, and one that perpetuates the age-old traditions of this Corinthian earth

Additional information

Weight 0.75 kg


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